Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I mentioned in one of my previous blogs my dad's love of baking for other people.  Well, the other day he called me and told me he was going to bake a bunch of cookies for me to give to people!  Yesterday he came over and had the cookies packaged in these colourful bags with little golden stickers on each one that said "home made."  They were really beautiful and the time and love he spent on each little package showed.

Tonight my husband and I drove all over the City delivering the packages of cookies to friends and strangers.  The first stop was my favourite.  We had to stop for gas and washer fluid, as the roads are slushy and dirty, it being our first snow and  blizzard of the Fall.  I feel so bad for the gas attendants that have to work on nights like tonight...pumping gas and washing windows.  After we paid I grabbed a package and took them out to him.

We visited old neighbours and even the owner of a small video store near our old house to drop off cookies.  We walked in and he said hello and called us by name.  I couldn't believe he remembered us.  I asked if he remembered us because he had to call on us so much for having so many late movies.  He just laughed.

It was really a fun night and seeing so many people smile really made my day.

1 comment:

  1. So, so awesome! Too funny, I read this e-mail last night. I always watch for your posts and wait patiently with anticipation for what your RAOK for the day is going to be. Last night when I read it I had the thought "just a cotton picking minute, where are MY cookies?" and of course was going to call you this morning to find out. When I brought the paper in this morning there was a beautiful bundle of cookies that looked like the ones you described in your post last night. I still didn't get it and texted mom to ask if dad had dropped off cookies. She said no and asked what they looked like. I described them to her and she proceeded to tell me the story about dad baking cookies. "Maybe B dropped them off" she said. DUH???!!! Why am I so dumb? Hahahaha! THANK YOU for the lovely cookies! Good thing I figured it out before I called to ask you where the heck my cookies were :) Love you honey. Keep it up. Have I mentioned that what you are doing is so incredible?! Love you!
