Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tim Horton's

My MOM made the best lasagna ever tonight!  She brought it over to my house, as some family members were all going to meet to eat and watch the Grey Cup.  (As I'm writing the score is 11 - 8 for us!) it turned out, no one could make it except my mom, me and one of my daughters.  Other family members ended up out of town, stuck on the icy Prairie roads, at home sick or just at someone else's house.  So the three of us dined on lasagna and caesar salad.  It was so nice of her to bring it over and I know she spent a lot of time on it.  A week or so ago I got a free Tim Horton's gift card when I made a purchase and I know my mom loves Tim's coffee, so I gave her the gift card as she was leaving.  Coffee's on you next time ok ma? lol


  1. hmmmmm lasagna. hmmmmmmm coffee. two of my favorite things! thanks Brenda. just checking in. Derek
