Friday, December 24, 2010

Last Written ROAK 2010

Merry Christmas Eve !!!  I can't believe it's almost here....Christmas in 1 hour.  I hope everyone reading this is happy and has visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads....or PS3's...or maybe just peace and love to their fellow man.

Today I took my daughter down to the mall.  Yes, on Christmas Eve I shopped with her!  She got a gift certificate and some money for Christmas and since we are away next week, I though it would be nice to let her wander around the mall and think about something she'd like.  She did come home with a coat that was 50 percent off and another little top that she can take with us on our holiday.

Actually my real RAOK for the day was to let my husband win at the game of crib.  When he loses too much he cries about it ; )

I will be away until next Sunday and will keep a great journal.  I'm not sure if the place I am going has internet, so I maybe not be able to post for a week.                          

Computer Training

My uncle is in town for Christmas : )  It's always great to see him when he comes.  All of our relatives except moms, dads, one sister and brother in law live scattered across Canada and the United States, so it's a treat to have someone come visit.

Yesterday morning my uncle came over and I trained him on using his new computer for about 3 hours.  He's never used one before so I hope I taught him something.  My teaching skills aren't the best lol.  Afterward we went downtown for a bit and I bought him lunch at a place called Pad Thai Express.  I told him in a previous life he must have been from Asia because he loves Thai food and has a fascination with South Korea and different countries there.

Christmas Eve has always been my favourite day of the holidays so today I'll get some last minute things done with my girls and tonight we can settle in and relax!  Wooohooooo!!!

Merry Christmas Eve!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Adopt a Family

Yesterday was an early Christmas for some of my family so I was running from the minute my feet hit the floor.  It was really a great day and by the time supper was on the table, I could relax and soak in all the love and laughter my family brings.  After supper the women did the dishes as the men and kids called from the living room to hurry so they could open gifts.  I think they did that last year and were in great danger of getting their ears pinched off lol   Lately we've been drawing names and doing a "fun" gift exchange that we find is really funny.  There's a $15 limit and it's neat to see who got who's name and what they got.  Usually by the end of the exchange, our cheeks hurt from laughing.  So last night was filled with giving and kindness from everyone.  Every gift was unique and it was evident that everyone put a lot of time and thought in to each gift.

Today my husband and I took some toys and food gift cards to a family in our city that needed a little help this Christmas.  We've done this before through a program in the city called the "Brent and Penny Adopt a Family."  It helps families that may not have the means to buy gifts for their children and provides a few extra dollars for food over the holidays.  The program is very successful and I think Christmas really does bring out the best in most people.  I think people generally love to give to others and it's wonderful to see when they give to others who aren't as fortunate.

All the best to everyone tonight : )

Monday, December 20, 2010

Wally Mart

Most of the day was spent on errands.  With Christmas very close, I have a very long To-Do list.  I was getting some photo prints made up in Walmart tonight and there was a line up for the machines to select your photos and have them printed.  I have to say I am impressed by the one hour service AND immediate prints if you want to pay 10 cents extra a print.

So my RAOK for today was to let someone behind me in ahead of me in line.  She had a baby with her and I remember always wanting to "get in, get out" quickly when it came to shopping.  It's a small gesture but one that I know is always appreciated.

Night : )

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Well...I tried to find a contact address for Ingrid Betancourt and eventually found her facebook page.  I wrote to her to tell her how inspired I felt while reading her book.  I hope she is able to read it.

Today the sister and son of my friend from the Philippines who passed away came over for a visit.  It was great to visit with them and find out more about their lives and what they think of Canada.  The sister was telling me that she skyped her daughter the other day and the daughter told her mom to take her outside so she could see the snow and was asking how it felt.  I thought that was pretty neat.  It's hard to imagine not ever having seen or felt snow.

While they are here, they might make it to Edmonton to see a friend there and maybe go to the big mall.  In their Xmas cards I put enough money for a pass to the waterpark in case they happen to get there.  That would be something to see!

I can't believe we are only 6 more sleeps away from Christmas.  I hope everyone has their shopping done : )

Even Silence Has an End

Can you imagine living in a jungle for 6 and 1/12 years, sometimes on the ground on a plastic sheet, often with chains around your neck while all sorts of stinging insects and other bugs shared your bed? Can you imagine being caged like an animal and humiliated and abused while being separated from your children for such a length of time?  This is exactly what Ingrid Batencourt survived while being kidnapped by a group of geurrillas known as the FARC in Columbia.   Batencourt has written a book about her life from the moment of her kidnapping to the point in which she becomes free.  The story is one of fear, survival, courage and inspiration...a few among many themes.  What amazed me the most is how this woman refused to crumble under the worst of circumstances.  It's inspiring how people can survive the most horrible of circumstances while I am sometimes afraid to walk down the street on days when my anxiety is at it's peak.  She is truly an inspiration and I feel lucky to have come across her story.  Her words and insights will stay with me for a long time.

I wanted to write this review last night after reading the final chapters but I fell sound asleep.  I wanted to find an address for Ms. Batencourt and tell her what I think of her, but that will have to happen today.  Her book is called "Even Silence Has an End."

Friday, December 17, 2010

A Wonderful Life

Two more batches of candied nuts and two batches of nuts and bolts later.....I think I am done my Christmas gift baking!  Tonight I am taking some to one of my daughter's friends and then tomorrow off to my Father-In-Laws and my dads.  My dad loves poppycock so I think he'll love the buttered toffee nuts.  I don't normally bake but found some recipes this Christmas that even I could handle lol

I'm sitting and watching "A Wonderful Life" tonight.  I love this Christmas movie.  There's a line at the end of the show that sums up the movie:  "Dear George...Remember no man is a failure who has friends" and no matter how bad life seems some days, it's better because we are here and because of the lives we've touched along the way.   Sometimes we just don't realize the difference we make.  Maybe it's the time of year to look back and think about all the good things you've done for everyone in your life this year.  I bet it's more than you ever thought : )


Yesterday, I spent the morning baking some Christmas gift.  I wanted to take them to neighbours that I haven't talked to in months,  but wasn't feeling all that great in the afternoon, so I didn't make it out of the house.  I'll package them up this morning and deliver them today.  In an Oprah magazine I found an incredible recipe for buttery toffee nuts that were simple and delicious.  I made them and they turned out!!!  Woooohohooo1  High five for that!

Will post more later.  Happy Friday everyone!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Tonight I was going through a drive through I've been through many many times....MacDonalds.  When I reached the first window to pay, I noticed the slot where you can put money to donate to the Ronald MacDonald's houses.  I slipped some change in....not a lot, but some.  It made me think, again, about how many opportunities we come across everyday to give.  Even though I've passed the MacDonald drive-thru window several times in my life, I can't remember every putting change in it.  It's just something I'm not used to doing. It might have to do with thinking that my little bit wouldn't make a difference.  But if everyone gave just a little, even a quarter, just imagine how much money could be raised for children.  How many people go through those drive thrus every day?  Maybe now that I've done it, it will become a habit.

For me, the lesson tonight was about being aware of little ways to give.  I have to remind myself that when I bring my awareness and attention to giving, the opportunities become endless.  There is an opportunity around every corner.

Thanks again to everyone who is reading and writing comments : )

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Warm Meal

This morning I took my daughter for an orthodontist appointment downtown.  Since parking is so bad down there, I usually just drive and listen to music in my truck while I wait for her. I dropped her off but as I pulled away, someone was pulling out in front of me and I got a great spot.  This section of downtown is very busy, so I was not surprised when I saw an older man sitting on the freezing ground outside one of the shops with his hat on the ground.  He wasn't bothering anyone, he just sat watching people scurrying by in the cold to get to their next destination.  Other vagrants would stop to talk to him and I wondered what kind of life he must have to sit there on the freezing ground in hopes that someone would drop money in his hat.

I looked in my rear view window and spotted a Vietnamese diner that I sometimes go to when I'm downtown shopping.  I sat there debating whether to give him some money or to scoot over and get him a meal.

Sitting in the diner after having ordered, I watched him through the window from where I sat.  It's hard to see people like that without thinking about the circumstances of their life that led up to this moment.  Many people have told me that there's no excuse for not "getting a job" or "begging" for money.  Well...having advocated for people on social assistance in the past and knowing a little about people on the streets, this is simply not true.  An array of circumstances brings people to this situation and no, there isn't a job out there for everyone.  

Crossing the street, my heart was racing out of my chest as I tried to think of a way to approach him.  I get so nervous meeting new people and offering help.  But this is what I signed up for.  To help others and in turn help myself with my own insecurities.

Finally I walked up and asked "Are you hungry?  I have a meal from that diner across the street and wondered if you'd like it?"  He smiled and reached up with his blackened hands and said "yes, thank you."

I can only hope he has a warm place to sleep tonight.  It's getting very very cold in this City.

True Hero

I feel asleep before I could write about my RAOK for yesterday.  I've been doing my 30 Day Shred workout video almost every day but yesterday decided to go crazy and kick it up a notch to level 2.  It was exhilarating and felt great, but by 10 pm I hit the wall.  Writing is usually a way of winding down, gathering my thoughts from the day and putting them down.

Last night I went for dinner with a friend.  We haven't gone out in years, so we had a lot of catching up.  She's a very upbeat person and it really is contagious when you're around people like that.  It just felt good.  When the waitress brought the bill, I picked it up and paid for it.  It was my way of saying "thank you for being here with me and listening and sharing your thoughts and laughter."  To me, I think it is one of greatest gift you can give another person...being genuine and sharing your life from your heart.

Another gift is one I found on facebook.  Someone had posted this link and it's given me some ideas on what I want to do in the New Year.

Please watch.  This man is a true hero.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Build A Bear

Today I wanted to do a little bit more Christmas shopping.  Who doesn't love to go to the biggest mall in the City on one of the last weekends  before Christmas? lol my surprise the mall didn't seem as busy as I thought it would be.  I'm not sure where everyone was...maybe hibernating at home or maybe they were all at Costco!  That's usually my favourite spot on the weekend, but I just couldn't find a good enough reason to go there today.  Not a valid reason anyway.

The mall we were at has a build-a-bear workshop.  My kids used to loved going there, picking out an animal, stuffing it and finding clothes.  It really is a neat place to spend an hour.  Being that my girls aren't into it anymore, today I bought a gift card, instead, to give a child that still finds the excitement in building a bear!

Instead of me finding someone to give it to, I asked my daughter to find a little person who might enjoy it.  She gladly accepted and went off with her friend to find someone.  I asked her about it when she got home and she said that she did find a little girl about 8 to give the card to.  They asked her mom first and her mom asked a few times if she was serious about giving away the gift card.  She seemed very happy and grateful.

The best part is when I asked my daughter how it felt to give something like that to someone, she replied "it felt good."  That's what it's all about.

And today I was on the receiving end of kindness from my dad, otherwise known as The Cookie Man!  Him and my mom made a huge assortment of Christmas baking and brought it over.  Every year they do up a bunch of baking and put it in beautiful containers for friends, family and co-workers.  It was a wonderful treat tonight : )

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Taxi !!!

I know that many parents out there that might be reading do and have done this on a regular basis but I'll talk a bit about it tonight.  Today I was the taxi driver to my children and their friends.  From point A to B and then B to C and C all the way to Z, I drove everywhere today.  And while sometimes I gripe about it, the bottom line is that my kids are going out and having fun with friends and activities and I get to know that they got to those places safely.  In a few months one of my girls will be driving and a whole new set of worries begin.  I won't go into that because you all know what those worries will be.

So....for all the parents that wear your taxi hat still....enjoy it.  They are only young once.  Then they grow up and give you something to really complain about lol

Friday, December 10, 2010

Movie Time!

Tonight I went to a movie called the Social Network which was based on how Facebook got started.  I thought it was a really interesting movie about human nature, greed, revenge and consequence.  I didn't expect much for some reason, but there were some valuable lessons to be learned from it.  There are few movies I'd watch twice, but this one I may have to watch again.

On the way into the show, while paying, we left a few extra dollars to pay for a few tickets for people coming in behind us.  The girl at the till was especially happy and her smile and thanks for doing that felt really nice.  It's great to see people smiling and happy this time of year.  It's contagious.

After the movie Zellers was still open, so I went in to buy some things for a little Christmas tree I put up just inside my front door.  I call it my "Giving Tree."  I fill it with wrapped Christmas candies of all kinds for people who come to the house.  Anyone who comes in gets to pick something from the tree to take.  I started the tradition last year and had a lot of fun with it.

2 weeks until Christmas!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Today I wrote to an old friend that I met when I was about 17 years old.  She's a friend on facebook now, but we've rarely had a chance to connect.  It's funny how so many years can go by and even if your lives have gone in completely different directions, you still see in them what you saw so many years ago.  This week I've been thinking a great deal about a quote I posted last week.  The one that says that you won't remember what someone did or said but you will remember how they made you feel.  I remember how this friend made me feel.  She made me feel important when we were together and always always always made me laugh.

I heard that she was pursuing a new career endeavor in the near future and wrote and told her what I admired in her and wished her luck.  There are so many missed opportunities in life to tell people how we really feel.  Even the smallest of gestures can let people know you're thinking of them and can make them feel good and special....a note, a phone call or a kind deed.

People will remember how you made them feel.  I hope everyone can do something today to make someone feel great : )

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas Tags

While doing some Christmas shopping tonight I was asked if I would like to purchase some gift tags that had been illustrated by children for children affected by HIV/AIDS.   100% of the money would directly benefit pediatric and youth services.  I needed gift tags and the money goes to a very good cause.  It's a win win.

I love to see big businesses getting involved in humanitarian efforts.  They have the ability to reach a greater audience through their advertising and promotion.   It seems there is a trend in many larger businesses pursuing philanthropic or socially responsible work and, no matter what the reason, what they can accomplish is significant and can make a real change in people's lives.

Tonight I wish everyone health, happiness and peace as we head into a busy month : )

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

30 Day Shred

More than anything, feeling less depressed lately has been because of the exercise I've been doing.  I've known for a long time the benefits of regular exercise from a lot of reading on the topic and just talking to people that do.  But there's a big disconnect when it comes to knowing something and then doing something.  I think that's where many of us fall down.  We know what's good for us, but we have a hard time putting it into action.  But once you've had a taste of the reward from being diligent with something, it's easier to keep going with it.  On the days I don't exercise, I really just don't feel as good as the days I do.  And the days that I do exercise, I feel stronger physically and more balanced mentally.  A huge part of me is asking myself "Why didn't you do this YEARS ago???" Well...I am a believer in things happening for a reason and certain things entering your life when you're ready for them.  So maybe it was just time.

Today I shared my workout video, called the 30 Day Shred, with a friend down the street.  She's someone I met many years ago and even though we just live a few houses from each other, we've lost touch.  I caught up with her recently and discovered that she enjoys working out at home.  I thought she would love the video, so I took her down a copy and put it in her mailbox.

By the does one start exercising and actually GAIN weight? lol  

Monday, December 6, 2010

Be Your Own Best Friend : )

I can't remember what I was googling today but I came across someone's blog.  They said they've had trouble making friends their entire life and couldn't understand why.  They'd been bullied and teased as a child and even now, today, they felt ostracized by others.  At the end of the blog they wrote "please help!"   Along with that blog there were many other people who wrote that they were in a similar situation and could relate to the trouble of making friends as an adult and not having any close friends.

We all look for acceptance.  Some people go through life and they seem to have plenty of friends and have no trouble meeting them and keeping them.  With others it's a constant struggle to feel a part of the group.  I think most of us have been in a situation where we felt alone, but can you imagine not having one friend to call?  To have absolutely no one in your life to connect?

My guess is that somewhere along the way from the bullying and teasing this person maybe lost a bit of their self esteem and worth.  Maybe they listened too much to what those bullies had to say and it stayed with them as they grew up.  My RAOK was to simply write on this person's blog and tell them that weren't alone and to not give up. That one day they would meet someone with similar interests.  I also said to keep loving themselves even when it didn't feel like anyone else did.

The power to be your own best friend is one of the most valuable assets you can have.  This includes being good to yourself, not putting yourself down and forgiving your own mistakes.

Are you a good friend to you?


It's been a crazy weekend and I've been going nonstop.  I'm sorry my posts have been late as I haven't been getting enough sleep.  Now that the weekend is over, life should return to normal ( own version of normal lol).

Last night I took some really neat candles to a very special person.  She is always smiling and welcoming whenever I see her and one of the sweetest people I know. We were invited there for dinner so I took them along.  There's something about the glow from a candle that's so warming.  It's the same with Christmas lights....they're soothing just to look at.

Happy Monday everyone!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Every Day

Tonight I was at my husband's office Christmas party.  I knew that almost everyone who generously contributed to my friend's family being able to come from the Philippines would be there.  On the way to the party I thought it would be nice to buy them each a drink as a token of appreciation.  Over the course of the evening my husband helped by taking them each one for my RAOK.  It was nice to see all the people who helped make something special for someone happen and to everyone else who gave me warm wishes on my adventure.

On the way to the Christmas party I was talking with someone about how Christmas doesn't have the same feeling it used to have when we were kids or when our kids were young.  That feeling of anticipation and excitement that comes all of the days leading up to Christmas Eve and Day.  I was mentioning that sometimes I get that same feeling when I do something for someone else.  When I can see the excitement or appreciation in their eyes it brings on that Christmasy feeling.  Maybe I should change the name of the blog to "365 days of Christmas!"

Anyway...have a wonderful Sunday everyone.  Smile and be kind to each other : )

Friday, December 3, 2010

Save the Children

Tonight I ran across a charity that I've heard of briefly before but didn't know much about.  I went for a few groceries and there was a table set up with a woman selling the cutest pins and all sorts of hand made knitted items.  The pins were of little children. The charity was "Save the Children" which is all about children's rights all over the world.  I purchased some pins in support of this charity.  Here is the link if you would like to look at what they do:

Have a great weekend everyone : )

Red Kettle

My apologies...I fell asleep last night with my computer on my lap and barely got the first paragraph finished.  I can't believe I do that! lol  So here is my story for yesterday : )

If you've ever been shopping around Christmas time, there's little doubt that you haven't heard the bells of the Salvation Army's Red Kettle fundraiser.  Every year they set up in high traffic areas, mostly at the entrance to buildings, a "kettle" for donations with a bell ringer to attract passersby.  This custom actually begin as far back as 1891 when Captain Joseph McFee saw the need to raise money to help feed the poor.  Today the money is used to help the needy, sick and other less fortunate individuals around Christmas time.

While leaving Walmart I stopped to put a few dollars in the kettle.  There was a very kind elderly man sitting and ringing a bell.  We had a nice long chat about the cold weather, his health, recent vacations and where he's off to for Christmas.  I came away feeling really good from talking to him.  I think I needed that chat today more than he did.  It always puts a smile on my face when complete strangers will take the time to talk and share a bit of their lives with you, just making that human connection.

It's ironic.  I came home and opened my mail and read a very interesting story sent to me about a man who does something kind for an elderly woman.  At the end of the story was a message I will never forget:

"People may not remember exactly what you did or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel."

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I found the neatest thing in Zellers tonight.  We were there looking at a few things and I came across the isle with Christmas tins with all sorts of colourful Christmas imagery on them.  Every year I see more and more of them.  Maybe they're more in demand as people are giving baking as a gift more?  Anyway, I came across these tins that were shaped like a miniature mailboxes.  The old style kind that had a flag that was put up when there was mail in it.  (Remember the movie the Lake House with Keaunu Reeves and Sandra Bullock?  They had a mailbox like that in the movie.) So I picked up a couple of tins, having already formulated a use for them that, fortunately for everyone, will not involve baking!  When the kids were little they used to ask me to send them mail, as they loved having a letter come that was addressed to just them.  I did that a half dozen times or so and they really did love it.  It's funny...I admit that I get a little excited too when a letter comes addressed to me with handwriting on it.  Then I know it's not a bill lol

What I imagined was giving each of my girls a minature mailbox for their room. I thought I could surprise them with little love notes or goodies or whatever I felt like on any day.  They'd know there was something inside if the flag was up.  When I showed them they sort of scoffed at the idea, but I was pretty excited about it and I think the idea finally rubbed of.  I heard my one daughter explaining to her dad later tonight what I'd gotten and how it works with the flag.

I'm grinning thinking about what I'm going to put in there.

25 days till Christmas!!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cupcake Conspiracy

Sadly, my friend from the Philippines passed away on Tuesday morning with her sister by her side.  Her and her son had made it in time and got five days with her.  I am humbled still by her strength to hang on and the courage she had to fight to make it until they got here, when the doctors didn't think she would.  The human spirit is capable of so much and fights against all sort of odds to survive.

The nurses that she knew took the news hard and another young girl they treat at the cancer clinic had lost her battle the same day.  When I went up to the hospital, the grief on their faces was evident.  I don't know how they find the strength to treat children with cancer every day and then lose some of them on occasion.  They are angels.

Today I sent them some cupcakes from a great place in town call the Cupcake Conspiracy.  I'm not sure what those cupcakes are conspiring about....I guess to make us all fat lol....or maybe it's to brighten the day of someone who's having a particularly bad one.

Thanks to everyone who has been thinking about my friend and asking about her.  You are all wonderful, caring souls.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Earth Song

Acts of kindness aren't always toward other people but also include animals, yourself or even the earth. Today I was reminded of a song by Michael Jackson called "Earth Song."  I looked it up on Youtube and I hope that you watch it.  It's very visual and can be disturbing.  But the message is clear.  We are destroying the earth.  Tonight I am starting to recycle all of my paper and cardboard.  It's a small step but that's where many good things begin.

Please click on the link below, turn up your volume, watch and share your thoughts:

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tim Horton's

My MOM made the best lasagna ever tonight!  She brought it over to my house, as some family members were all going to meet to eat and watch the Grey Cup.  (As I'm writing the score is 11 - 8 for us!) it turned out, no one could make it except my mom, me and one of my daughters.  Other family members ended up out of town, stuck on the icy Prairie roads, at home sick or just at someone else's house.  So the three of us dined on lasagna and caesar salad.  It was so nice of her to bring it over and I know she spent a lot of time on it.  A week or so ago I got a free Tim Horton's gift card when I made a purchase and I know my mom loves Tim's coffee, so I gave her the gift card as she was leaving.  Coffee's on you next time ok ma? lol

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Enchanted Forest

Every year the Forestry Farm in our city puts on a Christmas Light Display called the Enchanted Forest.  It's a nice 2.5 kilometer drive featuring tens of thousands of LED lights made into animated light displays.  Over 60,000 visits are made to the park annually.  Money from this event is divided between two wonderful charitable foundations.  It's a pretty neat thing to see and gets you in the Christmas spirit.

This year my 15 year old wanted to go see it with her friends.  One of the moms kindly offered to drive them.  I happened to be in a store that supported the Enchanted Forest and was offering a discount admission pass.  So I bought one and gave it to my daughter to pay for everyone.

In case anyone is unaware, the Saskatchewan Rough Riders are in the GREY CUP and play tomorrow against the Montreal Alouettes.  Go RIDERS!!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Orange Juice

A month or so ago, I was shopping and bought two cases of juice that were on sale, one apple and one orange.  Both of my children stay for lunch every day and I like to pack them each a bottle.  After a few days of picking the apple juice to take, they both told me that they don't really like orange juice as they find it too acidic.

In 2007 when I was doing my practicum for a degree in Social Work,  I had a client who lived in Capri Place, which is a place that provides assisted living for disadvantaged people.  It is also "an employment training centre for slow learners and other marginalized people."  The people that live in the Capri live in poverty and life can be very challenging for them.

I was driving by the Capri today with my case of orange juice in the back seat and realized that it might be just the right place to give the case to.  I went in and walked up to the front desk.  A woman met me with a smile and I asked if they could use the orange juice.  Without a moments hesitation she said "yes we can."  I explained that I had bought two cases but my girls said they didn't like orange juice.  She said "ohhhh, picky huh?"  Indeed.

I don't remember being as picky as a child but maybe my memory is just old.  Were we, as kids, less picky 30 or 40 years ago?  Am I turning into my parents?......"Eat those peas!  There are starving kids around the world you know!"  Yes, I've said that, along with "You can't walk?  I used to walk MILES to school every day!"  And I did.  And I ate my peas.  Hmmmm.  I don't think my memory is that bad.  Kids really do have it much easier than we did, so much that it worries me.  But that's a topic for another blog lol

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Mail Man

Today HAD to be the coldest day of Fall so far.  I think it was -27C with the windchill.  For those living in the States, that's -16F !  I think we all deserve a medal....or at least a trip somewhere tropical.

Since doing some renovations to my kitchen a few years back, I haven't replaced my front dining room window shades yet.  Almost every day that I'm home, whether I'm in the kitchen or living room, I can see my mail carrier come up the steps and drop off the mail.  Today he looked very very cold and I thought it might be nice to leave an early Christmas gift in the mail.  Maybe, no matter how cold it gets this year, it will be an incentive to keep delivering my mail lol  On second thought....I think most of our mail is bills.  Maybe I'd better rethink this gift ; )

Stay warm everyone!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cinnamon Crustos...mmmmm

In the past weeks I've talked about a women I met over a month ago who found out she is terminally ill with a brain tumor.  She was diagnosed over a year ago but had been fighting it with chemotherapy.  Last night she was reunited with her 7 year old son and sister.  She hadn't seen them since coming to Canada from the Philippines 2 years ago.  She beat the odds and hung on while they got approval from the Canadian Embassy to come to Saskatoon.  WHEW!!!  I feel so relieved and happy that she is visiting with her family.  I pray that they have many many days together.

Tonight while I was out doing a bit of Christmas shopping (did i mention that I LOVE Christmas?), I stopped at a mexican drive through and got some very warm and yummy cinnamon crustos to bring home for my daughters and a friend one had over.    That was my small act of kindness for the day.  It's fun to get little surprises, and who doesn't love food surprises?  I had to look up the spelling of "crustos" and unfortunately the calories and fat popped up along with it...geez.  I shouldn't have looked!   Oh well...indulging here and there won't hurt anyone.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the States.  From what I gather, turkey day is almost like our Christmas here in Canada.  I heard it's the biggest travel day of the year!  I was watching an interview Barbara Walter's did with the Obama's and Mrs. Obama urged everyone to enjoy their Thanksgiving dinners and not to worry about the calories for one day.  So there you have it...straight from the White House...EAT! : )

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

One Tough Cookie

On the drive to the pool the other night, we picked up one of my daughter's friends to go to swimming class.  After asking how she was doing she told us about a friend of hers and my daughter's who had a bad nosebleed that wouldn't stop.  She ended up in Emergency and even after having it cauterized, they still had to put gauze into her entire nasal cavity for 24 hours.  She was in a great deal of pain.  Apparently the doctor told her that she was "one tough cookie" to go through all of that.  What was really neat is that she had been out shopping that morning and had come across a sweatshirt that she loved that said "one tough cookie" right on it, but she didn't buy it.

Today I went to the mall and found the sweatshirt she mentioned and took it to her tonight.  She had fallen asleep on the couch very early, being overly tired from the ordeal from the previous days.  I talked to her mom and she was doing better.

When I was a kid and feeling down or sick my mom and dad would always buy me gingerale and an Archie comic book.  To this day I can't go through the supermarket checkout without buying one.  I'm still a "Betty and Veronica" fan!

I was watching an episode of Oprah the other day that I'd recorded.  It was her annual Christmas "Favourite Things" giveaway show.  In an hour she gave the entire audience hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of gifts, with the final gift being the 2012 Volkswagen Beetle to every single person!  At the end of the show Oprah made a statement which I loved.  She said "My Favourite Things show is really not about all the stuff.  While the "stuff" is fun, for me it's about hope.  Hope that something magical and joyful and wonderful can happen when you least expect it."

Oprah is one smart woman.  Some of the most magical moments in life really are ones that you don't expect : )

Monday, November 22, 2010

Mini Muffins

Tonight I did some baking for my husband to take to his office.  It's a very busy time of year and I remember very well the days I used to work and someone would bring baking in.  It's a nice treat.  Although, I have mentioned that I'm not that skilled when it comes to baking so it might not be the greatest treat.  It's the thought that counts right? lol  I made a bunch of chocolate mini just the right size for a mid morning snack.  I'd love to try making fudge this Christmas season.  Would love a good recipe though....

Night everyone : )

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Strength and Courage

The friend I have in the hospital isn't doing well at all.  The flight from the Philippines, of her son and sister that was supposed to happen Friday, unfortunately didn't happen due to a delay at the Embassy.  She has hung on longer than anyone expected, awaiting the arriving of her son, so she can see him before she passes.  I am amazed and humbled by her strength and courage.

She has a friend who has been at her bedside day and night over the weekend, helping her through episodes where she was close to passing.  I emailed him today, because I knew he'd have to go back to work tomorrow, and asked if I could go be with her tomorrow for the day.  He said that it would be good to have someone with her, as the nurses are very busy and can't be there all the time.  So tomorrow I am heading up there with my mom, who has generously offered to be my support.  It will be a very emotional day and I need to muster all the strength I can.

Thanks to everyone who is reading or left comments.  Your encouragement means a great deal to me.  Thank you : )

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Lion Plushy

One of my favourite places to go on a weekend is Costco.  I wonder what that actually says about my social life lol  But there is always some new kind of food or item you didn't know you needed every week.  Today I came across this neat plush toy/pillow for a very very good price.  Since I would be going up to the hospital tonight to see my friend, I thought it would be cool to take one to give to a child in the Pediatric ward.

As I walked through the skywalk, the elevator and 3rd floor of the hospital, everyone who saw me coming with this great big oversized Lion plushy couldn't help but smile.  I wonder if anyone, no matter how old, gets tired of goofy looking stuffed animals.  I don't.  I got to the Pediatric ward and unfortunately found that they don't accept donations of stuffed animals because of the germs they might bring in.  At this point I had no idea who to give it to and even though I asked various nurses and interns in the hospital for ideas, I was met with shrugs and "I have no clue."

I was about to walk over the skywalk to the parking lot to leave but came across a woman with a little girl near the cafeteria.  I walked over and quietly told the mom what I had tried to do with the Lion and asked if I could give it to her daughter.  She was very happy and said "yes of course, if she wants it."  I knelt down and asked "would you like this stuffed Lion?"  She replied "No."  I laughed and tried to convince her how great it was by telling her it converted to a big pillow to lay on.  She was so adorable.  Her mom quickly said to her daughter that maybe her brother would want it.  The little girls eyes lit up and she said "Yes!  Andrew would like it.  He's 2 and I'm 4!"  I spoke with her a little more and gave her the Lion.  She commented on how heavy it was.  The animal really was about the size of her!  Her mom thanked me and we left.

Many times I don't get to see the recipients of the gifts I give and their reactions and it really doesn't matter to me, but when I do it gives the warmest feeling.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Secret Santa

Denny Carr was a broadcaster with a dream.  A dream that every child in our city would receive at least one new toy at Christmas.  Sadly, Denny passed away in 1999 but by then he had become the driving force behind the "Secret Santa" campaign.  His legacy continues today with the continued support of a local radio station and grocery store. Not only do thousands of children get a new toy every year at Christmas, but approximately 600 less fortunate families receive a bounty of food and gifts of toys for their children.

Today while I was shopping, I was asked if I would like to add a dollar to my total in support of Denny Carr's Secret Santa.  I said a very emphatic YES!  Some pretty amazing things start with a dream and a goal in mind.  We're all capable of let's dream big!

I hope you are able to see what you started Denny and where it's gone.  I hope you see the smiles of the thousands of children and families you've helped over the years : )

Thursday, November 18, 2010

No Price Is Too High For Love...

Finally, it looks like my friends son and sister may get on a plane from the Philippines.  Tomorrow night at this time she may be reunited with her son, who she hasn't seen in a few years.  And not a moment too soon.

Because the flights had to be booked last minute, they ended up being about twice the cost.  We did raise a lot of money through the generosity of friends and family for this but due to the timing, it ended up costing more than anticipated.

Tonight I phoned the travel agent and told her to charge the additional charges to my visa.  No price is too high for love and for family.  My friend needs her family with her right now and they need her.

Please God, let them board that plane tonight.....

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hospital Visit

I went back to the hospital today to see my friend and was hoping to give her a nice hand or foot massage.  She's been in bed at the hospital for over a month and I thought it might feel nice to be pampered a little.  Things don't always go according to ours plans.  She'd had a bad night and was on a great deal of medication and sleeping most of the time.  She woke up periodically but I told her to please sleep and that I'd be there with her.

Sitting and watching the comings and goings of the nurses, interns and even a Roman Catholic volunteer who came in and said a prayer for her, I got goosebumps.  One nurse in particular was very special and she told me a few stories of patients who have reported seeing loved ones by their besides and even a personal experience she had recently with her own father.  She expressed that she was certainly a "believer" after all she has seen while working as a nurse.   The Roman Catholic volunteer and I talked about some of his experiences with people that he prayed over and the changes within them as he prayed.  Today, even in a very stressful situation, I found myself feeling comforted in a way I hadn't expected.

I certainly got more than I gave this afternoon at the hospital and, while it was an emotional day, I wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else.

Prayers are most welcome for my friend for her peace and comfort tonight and the days ahead.

Luv B

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


My friend from the Philippines is still in the hospital fighting a very courageous battle with a rare form of cancer called Ewing's Sarcoma.  She is on a lot of pain killers now and sleeping a great deal of the time.  When I entered her room today, she lay breathing quietly. I could tell by the way her arms and legs would twitch now and then that she might be dreaming and I couldn't help but wonder where her dreams were taking her.  Was she with family and friends? Did she feel loved, safe and warm?  She looked so fragile and I wanted to curl up beside her, hug her and let her know someone was there and that she wasn't alone.  Shortly after she woke up, she had another friend come to visit.  I had brought with me some supplies to give her a hand and foot massage/manicure but decided that I would go back tomorrow.

On the way out I talked to the nurses and filled out a form to donate cable hook up for a week to someone that would like t.v., but doesn't have the means to get it.  It didn't take long for the nurse to find someone on the ward that would benefit from having t.v. to watch.  The days must be very long when you're in a hospital bed, especially if you don't have a lot of visitors.

I hope everyone is having a great week : )

Monday, November 15, 2010

Door Woman

Today's idea came from the internet.  I'm always looking for more ideas for RAOK and found the perfect one there today.  I had to take my daughter downtown for an Orthodontist appointment. Her Orthodontist is in a very busy mall and parking is difficult downtown so usually I drop her off and wait somewhere until she's done.  Today I got lucky.  Someone was pulling out right across from the mall.  My daughter left and I plugged the meter and then walked to the mall entrance.  For 15 minutes I stood and opened the door for people entering the mall.  Let me tell you, I felt very awkward lol  Some people looked at me oddly, some said thank you and many just smiled.  It did feel good but I think I was worrying too much about what those people thought.  How do you get to a point in your life where other's opinions just don't matter anymore?  I guess it comes with confidence in yourself.  We're all works in progress : )

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Spare Change

Today was one of the best days I've had with my girls.  We had some shopping to do and while I took one of the girls out to get a few things, I joined up with my other daughter later on.  I'm not sure what exactly made today so great with them, but I just know that we all came home in a good mood and smiling.  As we were leaving the underground parking lot, I prepaid for my ticket.  If you prepay you save some money and have 20 minutes to leave the parkade.  I put a five dollar bill in the machine and could hear a few dollars drop down - my change.  I went to grab it but decided it would be great to leave it for the person who might stumble upon it after me.  Even though it's just a few dollars, it's always fun to find money like that.  Maybe it even helped to pay their ticket, as it's sometimes a pain to find the right change to put in those machines.  I hope I made someone smile : )

I hope everyone had a great weekend!  GO RIDERS!!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Carmel Frappa Lappa Jappa Latte

White Chocolate Mocha, Peppermint Mocha, Chai Tea Lattes, Carmel Frappuccino....mmmmmmmm.  There I was, waiting in line in my car at starbucks for my cup of calorie loaded, fat filled decadence, and I noticed that the girl at the window looked a little harried.   There was a long line up behind my truck and some people were even honking.  While I waited for my drink, I decided that the guy behind me, honking, just might need a little holiday cheer.  So I asked the cashier to add on a Starbucks gift card to my order.  After she handed me my drink, I told her to please give the card to the guy behind me.  She seemed a little surprised but said a very heartfelt thank you.

Have a great night....I am buzzing from my caffeine : )

Friday, November 12, 2010

Life is Fragile

Today I was reminded how fragile life is.  I was playing a card game online and was talking briefly with a women from Ohio.  She apologized that she had to leave the game early because her 9 year old boy was just home from the hospital after a surgery and is terminally ill.  I never had time to say much and not sure what her son is dying from.   It's unimaginable to think of my own kids being that sick and I am grateful for their health.

So tonight I wrote her a note on the game site I was playing on and told her that I was thinking about her and her son and sending good thoughts her way and asked if there was anything I could do.  Then,  I went and hugged both of my girls and told them I loved them.

Hug the people you love tonight.


There's always a danger when I don't post my blog early that I risk falling asleep early or being up too late with company and not posting at all. The first thing I thought of when I woke up this morning is that I'd missed writing.  So, here it is.  Late.  If I were in elementary school, I wouldn't get a sticker.  Or if I were in Mrs. King's 4th grade class, I'd get a ruler over my hand.  Boy she was nasty!

I went shopping with my 15 year old daughter and my husband yesterday.  We rarely go out, just the three of us.  I had to buy a few things and so I offered to buy her some new jeans, which actually turned into jeans, a sweater, a hat and boots.  How does that happen? lol

My act of kindness was small but it did make someone smile.  I was in the shoe store and it was really busy.  Everyone must have had the same idea for yesterday.  There must have been at least 50 people in that tiny store in the mall.  Anyway, I was on my way out when a lady bumped a few sample boots that fell from the table.  I bent down and picked them up for her and put them back.  She just looked at me,  smiled and said thank you.

I'm reminded that even the smallest gesture of kindness can be very rewarding.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Gold Coins

There's an arcade I used to take the kids to when they were younger to play all sorts of games.  We probably went there at least once a week.  You  pre-purchased tokens and then each game would cost between 1 and 4 to play depending on the complexity.  Afterwards, you could redeem the tickets you won from the games in for prizes.  Or you could save them and wait to buy a bigger prize when you had more.  Gosh we loved that place.

I drove by there tonight after taking one of my girls for ice cream.  At the last minute, I swerved and parked in front.  It was busy inside because there's no school for the kids tomorrow.  I went in and went straight to the automatic coin dispenser, and put in some money.  Within seconds I had a handful of coins.  To me they were sort of like dirty golden quarters, but a little smaller.  To a child they were like wonderful pieces of gold.  They not only guaranteed at least 20 seconds or more of playtime, but at the very least worth a piece of dubble bubble or a tootsie roll!

I quickly scouted the place and found a girl about 8 or 9 years old playing my favourite game.  The one where you roll the ball in front of you, sort of like bowling only a much shorter distance, and instead of pins to knock down, you try to get the ball into a hole worth 50, 100 or 1000 points.  It's not really like bowling at all lol

I turned to the girl and said "Hey....I have some coins I'm not going to use, do you want them?"  She was hesitant at first but her eyes lit up and she said "Sure!  Thank you!"  I gave them to her, told her to have fun and drove home.  I smiled all the way.  That was the best 5 dollars I've spent all week.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Sound of Sunshine

The last couple days have been tough.  Depression hit me hard and fast yesterday morning and I just didn't know how to get out of it.  My sister called me this morning and I was doing okay talking to her until she asked how I was.  Then the tears began and she just listened, as she always does.  It's rare that I will ever reach out to anyone for help.  It's hard to be vulnerable and weak even with family many times.  As we talked, she told me about a video she posted to her son's facebook account.  She said it was a great song to listen to on a down day.  As I hung up the phone, I opened the video and started to smile a little.  It's a song called "The Sound of Sunshine" by Michael Franti.   Part of the chorus says "here I am, just waiting for the storm to pass me by, and that's the sound of sunshine comin' down."

For me, depression is a lot like a storm that comes and passes.  Sometimes it lasts longer and sometimes it's more severe, but it does pass. Today, exercise was my umbrella in this storm.  Yesterday I didn't have the energy to look for the umbrella.  I sat in the storm, letting it beat down on me.  I want to say that it was a choice, but it didn't feel like that yesterday.  It felt like I needed the storm to beat me up a little, so that today I could start to enjoy the sun again.

So my RAOK was to share The Sound Of Sunshine video with some friends on facebook, as my sister did with me.  Maybe there were others out there today that needed a reminder that the storm will pass and that the sun will come out again.

Here's the link you can cut and paste to watch:

Monday, November 8, 2010

Onion Soup for the Soul

My husband really loves French Onion soup.  We've boughten it from Costco a few times and it's actually quite good from there, but given a choice, he'd prefer home made.  While I was doing an errand today at London Drugs, I found a set of onion soup bowls...the kind with the handles that look like stoneware....on sale.  A reallllly good sale.  So I bought them to give to him.  He's a really good cook so I'm hoping one day soon he'll make some.  I think he liked them....but then again, it's hard to get excited over bowls lol

So a lot of my blogs lately have been about giving things to family members, which I love, but during times when I'm struggling with anxiety and depression, I find it harder to venture out or to have the motivation to be creative in what I'm doing.  I think with the Fall and less daylight and now Winter approaching quickly, I need to really be careful.  It's always a catch 22 with depression and anxiety.  When I'm feeling particularly anxious, I don't feel like working out.  And when I don't work out, I'm much more prone to depression.  But if I keep up the exercise, it beats the depression and the anxiety many times too.  It's so complicated...argh!

Christmas is next month!  Does anyone love it as much as I do?  Can't wait!

Have a great day everyone : )

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Today, a half a million people in Canada have Alzheimer's or a related dementia.  71,000 of these people are under the age of 65.  Alzheimer's is a terrible disease for individuals and families.  I know many people who have been affected in some way by Alzheimer's and adjectives like "fear, anxiety, frustration, anger, sadness and disabling" are common terms used to describe it.

I went canvassing for the Alzheimer's society on our block today.  Out of the 30 houses I visited and of the 10 people that were actually home and I talked to, at least 4 of them talked about parents who were suffering with the disease or parents they'd lost to it.  That's a very high number.

A hug to everyone out there who has or is experiencing Alzheimer's in any way.  Let's keep donating and praying for a cure for this terrible disease.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


One of my daughters is in a new school this year.  It's a different kind of school where there is an emphasis on Science and outdoor activities.  She had to step completely out of her comfort zone and leave what was familiar behind to attend this school.  She's working so hard and sometimes biking up to 50 km a week!  I think she knows how proud I am of her for doing what she is doing and for being so courageous, but tonight I wanted to remind her and do something special.  She loves listening to music, so I slipped into her room tonight and put an Itunes card on her pillow without her knowing.

(If you ever read this, my girl, I hope you do know how special you are and how much I love you : )

Friday, November 5, 2010

3D Imaging

Tonight I went to a fundraiser in our City to buy a very expensive 3D Imaging Device for diagnosing and treating people with cancer.  It was a beautiful evening filled with many heartwarming stories of hope from people going through cancer, those who have lost loved ones to cancer and those who have beaten cancer.  It was a reminder of how fragile our lives are and how we can be touched at any moment with the disease.

I think one of my favourite moments was when a women got up and spoke about how she's lived with cancer for more than a few years and what it's brought to her life.  It wasn't a story of sadness but one of gratitude for all the love she has received during her battle and the inner strength she has found to keep going.  She's learned to appreciate life more, live life more fully and continues to "kick cancer in the butt," as she put it : )  This beautiful woman reminded me and I think everyone in the room tonight that we don't need to get cancer to learn the lessons she has.  We need to live life fully every minute, to love deeply and be grateful for everything we have.

The people in our City were very generous and the night was a huge success.  A big warm hug goes out to everyone involved in tonight's event and the amazing piece of equipment that the money raised will help buy.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone : )

Thursday, November 4, 2010


One of the things I found that helps depression the most is exercise.  I've never been able to tolerate antidepressants and yet I know how beneficial they would be.  During a conversation with one doctor, I asked what the difference in benefits would be between taking the meds and exercising regularly.  He said, none.  That's for me anyway.  So I know what's good for me and yet do I do it?  No, not all the time.  We're all that way to some degree.  We know that staying away from sugar and eating a healthier diet will help us physically and mentally, but do we do it regularly?  Why don't we do the things that we know are really good for us?  And why can't I stop eating all the leftover Halloween chocolate bars??? lol

Today was a about giving someone the gift of exercise.  Someone who is a very strong and determined woman who can do anything she puts her mind to and shares in my belief about the benefits of keeping fit.  I've been bragging up a workout CD that I bought a few months ago and really loved, so today I gave her a copy.  It's a CD with a trainer from the Biggest Loser, which is one of my favourite shows on t.v.  It's so much more than a show about losing weight.  It's about overcoming obstacles, fighting fears, working through pain when the going gets tough and not giving up.  It's a total transformation of body, mind and spirit.  That's what I want.  Maybe I'll get there if I stick with my exercise routine!  Wish me luck : )

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

An Amazing Feeling

The thing I have trouble with the most in doing random acts of kindness, is giving things directly to strangers.  I'd much rather do it anonymously as I'm afraid of their reaction or even afraid of offending.  Today, for example, I wanted to find someone who looked down on their luck and give them a grocery store gift card donated to me by my wonderful Father-in-law, who is an extremely generous man by nature.  He purchased the cards to help raise money to send a relative to a dance competition and then turned around and gave ME the cards to give to others : )   So I wanted to make sure that the cards went to someone in need of food.  I thought about going to the core neighbourhood in our City and just driving until I saw someone who I thought might need it, but then thought better of that idea.  It could be taken the wrong way and offend that person and I would have felt extremely awkward anyway.

I drove to the closest recycling centre to our house and went up to the women who cashes in your stub after your bottles are counted, and asked if she could help me.  Being familiar with many of her customers, I thought she might know some of the people and their backgrounds.  Handing her the card, I asked if she could give it to someone she knows, that comes in regularly to get money for bottles, that really needs the card.  We talked a bit and I explained further what my intent was.  She nodded in understanding and said a very warm thank you.

The sun just shone a little brighter today as I drove home.  What an amazing feeling it is to give.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Your Opinion of Me Is None of My Business

Tonight I was up at the hospital visiting some friends that just had a beautiful baby boy!  It was hard holding the baby, barely 24 hours old, and not feeling a flood of emotions, as I remember my own children being that tiny.   Those first few days and weeks when you're getting acquainted to the new little person in your life is an incredible time and it immediately changes how you think and your role in the world.

Anyway....we rolled out of the parking lot I had an idea to give the Commissioner in the parking booth some money to cover the cost of the next person's parking.  I gave my husband the money and told him what to do.  Here's what the Commissioner said "That doesn't make ANY sense!"   I thought it was explained clearly what we were doing so I am still a bit confused as to his response.  Did giving someone a gift as a stranger not make any sense?  For some reason it didn't feel quite so good as I left the parking lot and even all the way home, but as I am typing this I am reminded that it's not about me or the Commissioner, but about the person who gets free parking.

It's easy to let a negative person spoil something good....if you let it.  I'm choosing not to let it.  We have a choice every day, in everything we do, of whether we will let other people affect us.  A few years ago someone told me of a saying that makes a lot of sense...."Your opinion of me is none of my business."  Good or bad, it's not other people's opinions that count, it's how we feel about ourselves and our own opinion of ourselves that matters.

Have a great night everyone : )

Monday, November 1, 2010

Food Bank

A few years back I worked with people living in poverty in our City.  I learned more through that job than I ever imagined and would love to one day go back and work in the same area.  Along with housing issues, hunger is one of the main problems affecting our City's low income population.  Tonight while getting a few groceries I grabbed a few items to donate to our local food bank.  It's an easy and quick way to make a contribution to someone who isn't enjoy the same kinds of meals that most of us our today.   I think I'll start doing this on a more regular basis when I shop for groceries.  It's easy to get wrapped up in my own life and forget how easy it is to help someone in need.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


So I made it up to the hospital today to visit my friend.  She had a bad day but was still smiling and thanking us for everything we've done to try and get her family here.  She really is one of the bravest women I've ever met and she's touched my life in ways she will never know.  I am humbled by her courage and simply in awe over her amazing attitude and spirit.

I was going to offer to buy her television service as it has to very lonely and boring being in the hospital for so long, but she said she is sleeping a lot right now anyway and doesn't really want it.  I thought it could be one kind thing I could do for her today.

It's been an emotional few days but I have so much to be thankful for.  It's a good reminder today that no matter how bad things get for her, for me, for anyone, that there is always a reason, however small, to smile.  I'm reminded of a song from Charlie Chaplin:


Smile though your heart is aching 
Smile even though it's breaking 
When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by 
If you smile through your fear and sorrow 
Smile and maybe tomorrow 
You'll see the sun come shining through for you 

Light up your face with gladness 
Hide every trace of sadness 
Although a tear may be ever so near 
That's the time you must keep on trying 
Smile, what's the use of crying? 
You'll find that life is still worthwhile 
If you just smile 

That's the time you must keep on trying 
Smile, what's the use of crying? 
You'll find that life is still worthwhile 
If you just smile

My Heroes

Yesterday was filled with heroes.  Invited friends and family came to my house for dinner to support the woman I met from the Philippines who is terminally ill in the hospital.  (See October 8th).  Sadly, she is too ill to fly home to her be with her 7 year old son and family for her remaining time.   Last night my heroes donated enough money to bring her son and sister to her!

This morning I woke up and was brought to tears thinking about the evening and how all of these people came together to support a woman they don't even know.   I am grateful and thankful for so much kindness and love in people's hearts.   We are all anxiously awaiting the Philippine government to issue passports and then we can book the flights.  I am heading up the hospital shortly with a card everyone signed and a big hug.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who supported this cause and for everyone keeping her in your thoughts and prayers.

Much love,

Saturday, October 30, 2010

I have 4 minutes until midnight and don't have time to get into what I've been up to will have to write more tomorrow.  It's been an absolutely incredible night and will take the time to write when I'm awake and don't have guests in my house.

Thank you to everyone who is following and making comments.  It means so much to me and keeps me going!

Till tomorrow....

Friday, October 29, 2010

Many Opportunities

Some days I feel so pressured to find something to do that it doesn't feel as genuine as it should.  But then again...we all have our days where we just feel crankier than others and we don't put our attention on finding something kind to do for someone.  Some days you just wake up and the last thing you want to think about is doing something for someone.  Today has been one of those days where I wasn't thinking much about what my RAOK would be.  I was busy all day and by about 8:30 tonight, I hadn't really done anything out of the ordinary for anyone.  I started feeling a little panicky as I knew I would be writing on here tonight.  I was sitting at Mama Mia at 10 p.m., at the end, and feeling down that I hadn't done anything for anyone, when the cast members came out after the show and said they were raising money for Aids and Breast Cancer and that we could donate to that on the way out.  As we walked out, I slipped a few dollars into a donation "pail."

Tonight I am reminded that there are many opportunities for kindness when you turn your attention that way AND it counts whether you feel like it or not.  Sometimes it's important to give and be kind regardless how we feel about it.  It's not always about's about the people who benefit.

And now it's time to put this cranky butt to bed lol  Tomorrow is another day : )

Thursday, October 28, 2010


When I was in high school I used to take the bus there and back on the days I didn't walk.  I remember what it was like some winter days having to wait for the bus to show, sometimes late and even not showing at all.  After a long day of school, nothing felt better than getting off a crowded bus and relaxing with friends or watching t.v. with a snack.

One of my girls is in a new school this year that takes over an hour by bus to get to.  She texted me while I was out in the late afternoon that she was coming home with a friend to hang out.  I was near a Tim Hortons so I went through the drive through and bought a box of TimBits for her and her friend to share.  They work hard at school and they deserved a treat.

Unfortunately, I couldn't resist buying my favourite doughnut, the Honey Cruller, while I was there.  I'm sure they are fat free anyway right? : )

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It could have been me....

I had a mammogram today and received good news.  Sitting there waiting to be called in, I had many scary thoughts go through my head.  What if something showed up?  How would my life change?  How would I deal with it?  How would I tell my kids?  But then I'm done and I see the doctor and get the good news that everything is fine and I'm healthy.  I walk out of the office breathing easier and feeling very happy.

But here's the deal.  Later on as I'm driving home I'm thinking how easily it could have been me being diagnosed with breast cancer.  It could have been me.  It still could be in the future.  It could be my mom, my sister, my cousin or friend.  I was lucky today but so many women aren't.  Today I'm sending a donation to support the fight against breast cancer so maybe one day there won't be the fear of "What if it's me today?" for anyone.

Hugs and best wishes to everyone out there who has been affected by this horrible disease.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I mentioned in one of my previous blogs my dad's love of baking for other people.  Well, the other day he called me and told me he was going to bake a bunch of cookies for me to give to people!  Yesterday he came over and had the cookies packaged in these colourful bags with little golden stickers on each one that said "home made."  They were really beautiful and the time and love he spent on each little package showed.

Tonight my husband and I drove all over the City delivering the packages of cookies to friends and strangers.  The first stop was my favourite.  We had to stop for gas and washer fluid, as the roads are slushy and dirty, it being our first snow and  blizzard of the Fall.  I feel so bad for the gas attendants that have to work on nights like tonight...pumping gas and washing windows.  After we paid I grabbed a package and took them out to him.

We visited old neighbours and even the owner of a small video store near our old house to drop off cookies.  We walked in and he said hello and called us by name.  I couldn't believe he remembered us.  I asked if he remembered us because he had to call on us so much for having so many late movies.  He just laughed.

It was really a fun night and seeing so many people smile really made my day.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Oh my God I woke up with a Snake Tattoo!

So I've had this song stuck in my head for the last couple weeks.  Actually just one line: "Oh my God..I woke up with a snake tattoo...Oh my God and I think that my..........."  I could never remember the next line.  It was driving me crazy and I hadn't looked it up on the internet to find out what song it was or the missing line.  Today I thought I'd have some fun with it and posted it on my facebook page as a contest.  The first person to get the missing line would get a free coffee with me.  Within an hour I had it!  It came from a cousin out East who I haven't seen in over 20 years!  She said she listens to it on her Ipod when she runs.  It's an Amanda Marshall song called "Sunday Morning After."  Very fitting for those lyrics.  The missing line is "I think that my tongue's pierced too!"  All I can say is that I've been lucky enough in my life NOT to have experienced a night like Amanda writes about....yet lol

One Starbucks card is on it's way to my beautiful cousin Janet : )

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Are you lucky?

Today my husband and I were coming back from a short trip up North.  It was our anniversary and we had decided to get away just for a night.  On the way home we stopped at a casino.  We didn't have the girls with us, so we were free to do whatever we felt like.

We sat down and played the slots as no table games were open.  We rarely go to the casino but when we do, I like to play blackjack or any other table game that isn't too complicated. doesn't take long with the computerized video machines to go through $20 dollars!  I certainly don't have the horseshoe my husband seems to have been blessed lol   As I watched the credits I had dwindle down quickly, I was frustrated with it all and decided to cash out.  This casino prints off a ticket with your remaining cash value.  Instead of taking it to cash in however,  I decided I would give it to someone anonymously.  I had to use the powder room before we left, so I went in and left it on the counter.  Maybe it found it's way to someone who was really down on their luck that day and needed a bit extra to win their fortune!  That's what I'd like to believe anyway.

I hope everyone's week is off to a great start.  Night : )

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bless Our Troops

A few years ago I applied to be a pen pal to a soldier in the States fighting in the war.  At the time I was looking I didn't see any programs in Canada to "adopt" a soldier.  Either way, it didn't matter.   Before I could write, my soldier was sent home.  I didn't apply for another one but thought a lot about how much a letter from home must mean to someone stationed overseas.

The other day I downloaded a song from Itunes by the Dixie Chicks called "Travelling Soldier."  It's a beautiful ballad that tells the story of a waitress who meets a soldier the day he is shipping out to war.  There's a line where he says to the waitress "I got no one to send a letter to, would you mind if I sent one back here to you?"  After being shipped to Vietnam, the song goes on to say "He told her of his heart , it might be love, and all the things he was so scared of."  This line gets to me and I seriously can't listen to the song without getting goosebumps, thinking about how much it would mean for someone who has no one to have someone to write to and get a letter back from.  It made me think about how scary being in a strange land and fighting for your life and Country would be.  No one can imagine the terror our troops face every day.

So, to make a long story short, I wrote a letter via email to the Canadian soldiers through the National Defence and Canadian Forces website, thanking them for what they are doing.  Here's the website you can look at and write if you want:

Friday, October 22, 2010


When I did my social work degree a few years ago I spent some time in a Community Centre in our inner City.  They do really good work for people living in poverty and marginalized members of our society.  Being that Halloween is just around the corner, I decided to make up some candy bags to take in somewhere.  I didn't have a place in mind when making them but decided to call the Centre this morning and see if I could bring them in for some of the kids they have come in.  The woman on the phone told me I could bring them down in the afternoon.  When I took them in, I spoke with her briefly and told her I had about 30 little bags made up with various treats in each one.  She smiled and said "This is great!  We have a children's Halloween party planned next week, and we didn't have enough money to buy candy for all the kids."

Sometimes I do wonder if there is an unknown force guiding us even in the smallest things we do.  Today it sure felt like it.  I've been beaming inside all day.

Have a great weekend everyone : )

Science Experiments's 6 a.m. and I just woke up.  The first thing through my head was that I forgot to write about yesterday!  I was so tired last night that I fell asleep on the couch watching t.v.   I've been making it a habit to write before I go to bed, but I think I'll have to change that!

I was in Costco last weekend and came across a book called "365 Fun Science Experiments."  I thought it would be a neat addition to my daughter's classroom, since her class this year is science based.  I sent it with my daughter to school yesterday morning and told her to tell the teachers I thought they might be able to use it.  Costco has such neat things there. experiments are so much fun.  I remember doing a few when I was a kid.  I hope the class will do a few.

Thanks to everyone who has written in.  Your support is amazing.  Thank you!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Only Kindness Matters

I had a song stuck in my head for a few weeks.  Actually one line.  It was "only kindness the end...only kindness matters."  I finally looked it up and it's a hauntingly beautiful song by Jewel.  It's a song about having faith through difficult times and how "we are never broken."  It's a song about being strong through heartache and for fighting for what's right.  There's a line that says "poverty stole your golden shoes, it didn't steal your laughter."  I think I love that line the most.  Pain and despair can strip you of a lot of things, but it can't take everything.  It can't take the essence of who you are.  It can't steal your laughter or your love.  Only you can decide to give that up.

Life can deal us a lot of things we don't like and we can struggle through it all, but deep inside of us is this quiet inner strength and no matter how much we are faced with, our faith carries us through to the other side.  The darkness can't beat me.  That's how I feel right now.

I met some family at a diner tonight.  The waitress was extremely happy and she seemed like a very kind and caring person.  I left a much larger tip than I usually would.  Being a waitress must be one of the hardest jobs out there.  I know I couldn't do it.  Being around kind people is infectious.  They make you want to be better yourself.  In the end, only kindness matters.

Here's a link to the song:

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Christmas Cookies

My dad is the best baker I know.  Years ago he was famous for his cinnamon buns, always taking them to work for his staff who loved and requested them.  All anyone would have to say is "I sure would like some of your cinnamon buns" and within a short period of time they would get their wish.  He still makes them today, but lately he's been known more as the "cookie man," instead of the guy with the "great buns"  and has even been told he should go into business selling the amazing cookies he bakes all year long for neighbours, friends, family, staff and even people he golfs with.   He not only bakes because it's his hobby, but bakes because he has the most generous of hearts.

Christmas is a time when he bakes the most and does up his very special cookie boxes filled with all types of incredible goodies.  From jam jam cookie cutouts to candy cane cookies with peppermint sprinkles, the boxes are filled with the most delicious and eye pleasing goodies you've ever seen!  Today when I was out shopping, I couldn't pass up the latest cooking magazine entitled "Cookies" to take over to him.  I know that he'll already be thinking about new types of cookies or squares to add to his Christmas cookie boxes this year that he'll generously give to all the people in his life.

Save one for me dad : )  I love you xoxo

Monday, October 18, 2010


Where is the line between giving your children things we never had and spoiling them?  It seems that kids today are getting way more than we ever did and the generation before us.  A lot more.  How do you give them things while at the same time ensuring that they are appreciative and know the value of money?  How much is too much to give them?  This is a tough job for parents today.  I've spoken to many of them with the same questions.  We all do our best every day and hope that we get it right in the end.

Today I struggled with these questions as I left a little "gift" for my older daughter on her desk.  She's a teenager and is so busy right now between school and a very busy social life and I miss her.  I miss her funny ways, her beautiful smile and her quick wit.  It's a hard realization when you find that your child is smarter than you and can beat you in an argument.   But I really don't need to try too hard, because I finally get to say "because I'm your mom and I said so!" I've been waiting yearrrrrrrs to say this! Ha ha.

Today I wanted to remind her that I love her no matter what is going on in our lives or how many silly little arguments we might have from week to week.  I wanted to make sure she knows that I'm thinking about her, always.  If she leaves home in a few years a little spoiled, she'll be spoiled with love and affection from her mom.  And,  I can live with that.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Garbage Picking - Revised

Tonight I decided to go for a walk and pick up garbage along the way.  It always amazes me what people will just throw on the road or in the park.  I commented to my husband along the way after picking up some real "treasures" that it was probably a good thing that is was dark outside otherwise I'm not sure I'd pick some things up!   As I walked I thought about how much garbage I was finding because I was looking for it.  It's sort of like other observations in life.  When you're looking for the good in people, you will find it. When you look for hatred, you will find it.  This is a good lesson for me.  It's about how the world can look from day to day.  If I hear a kind word one day, then it feels I will look for that more.  If someone is rude, it seems that I'll start noticing that from others.  The lesson is about what we give ourselves permission to pay attention to at any given moment.  We have a choice what we notice and how we feel and react as a result.

So, back to garbage!  Can you imagine if we all went outside, all around the world at the same time, for even 1 minute and cleaned up garbage, how much cleaner the world would be?

I have some fun things planned this week...stay tuned : )

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Shopping Carts

Today I hosted a birthday party for my youngest daughter.  She's finally a teenager, in this amazing place between a child and adult.  Some days she wants to hold me close and others I feel her drifting away onto her own path to becoming completely independent.

But she still comes shopping with me whenever I ask her to and I love her for that.  I love her company and she is one of my favourite people in the world to be with.  She's beautiful, smart and has a wonderful sense of humour.  She helped me today with my RAOK when we were out buying a few things for her party.  Always asking what the new thing will be for the day and seeming to take an interest in what I'm doing, today was no exception.  We wheeled our cart back to the truck, after getting what we needed, and after unloading it I asked if she would take it back to the cart drop off where you chain it to the others and get your quarter or loonie back.  I gave her the instruction to not chain it and get the money, but to just leave it as is.  When she came back she asked why I didn't want my money back for it and I said that it's for someone who didn't have a quarter on them.  It's a small thing to do but it still feels good.

Calgary VS Saskatchewan tomorrow!  Go Riders!!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

What's Black and White and Read All Over?

Can you imagine getting up at 5 a.m. and, regardless of how dark, cold, snowy or scary it is outside, make your way around empty streets, half asleep, for at least an hour, 6 days a week for very little pay?   Every day our newspaper delivery person does just this.

It takes a special person to do this job and I wanted to thank ours.  I wrote them a little thank you note and left a tip in the envelope so they'll have it tomorrow morning when they bring our Saturday paper.

Happy Weekend Everyone : )

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Flapper Pie

My mom is one of the strongest people I know.  She's been a godsend to me over the years, from moving in to my house and taking care of her grandkids while I was on vacation, to coming with me numerous places on the days I didn't feel strong enough to go alone.  We laugh a lot together and I really treasure the time we can spend just going for coffee or shopping.

Yesterday, while we were out visiting someone at the hospital, she mentioned that we should make a "Flapper Pie" together one day soon.  I can't remember what made her start craving flapper pie, but I knew then that I'd have my RAOK for today.  My youngest daughter came with me to "Grandma Bear's" house, around supper time, to deliver the pie that I'd just pulled out of the oven.  If anyone deserves a Random Act of Kindness today it's my mom, for all that she does for everyone around her.  I love you mom.

PS (I hope there's a leftover piece ; )

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cherry Tarts

I didn't have the best sleep last night and woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep. I felt sort of achy and in my mind I kept thinking "this is going to be a bad day."  I think I laid there tossing and turning and feeling quite sorry for myself for some time.  My husband, still half asleep, must have heard me groaning and carrying on and asked what was wrong.  "I think I have a bit of arthritis" I remember saying.  He laughed at me, as he usually does to my new ache or pain of the week lol.  Poor guy.

I got up, started to make the girls a lunch and saw that I had some leftover pastry dough I'd made the night before in the fridge.  I looked at the clock and realized I had enough time to make him some tarts for the office.  He certainly deserves a huge helping of kindness every day for all  he puts up with from me.  In fact he deserves a medal lol.  But he had to settle for cherry tarts this morning.  They cooked to a golden brown, with 5 minutes to spare, before he headed off for another long day at the office.

By the time I had finished baking and everyone had left, I realized that I was actually feeling quite good, mentally AND physically.  He loved the tarts and it filled me with real happiness this morning when he thanked me for them.  Today it felt obvious that I am on the right track.  In putting my attention and positive energy into something for someone else, I created positive energy within myself.

Today was a good day.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


This morning after my girls left for school, I was thinking about how long the day can be without a kind word from someone who truly loves you.  So I texted each of them and told them that I was hoping they were having a good day and that I loved them.

A Random Act of Kindness doesn't have to cost money and it sure doesn't need much planning.  Sometimes the smallest things can mean the most and sometimes the most spontaneous ones can have the most impact.  Now...I don't know if it's "cool" to get a text from your mom while you're at school when you're a teenager, and especially when it's a gushy one, but my girls will always know how much they are loved, even if it happens to embarrass them at times.

Tell your children or someone close to you tonight how much you love them : )

Monday, October 11, 2010

Happiness, Joy and Peace

Today I feel very heavy.  Not in mood but in weight lol  A huge Thanksgiving feast last night leaves me feeling like I need to restart my exercise routine.  Who can say no to the cream cheese potatoes, turkey, cabbage rolls, bacon stuffing and ooooooooooh the gravvvvy!

I had today's idea for a RAOK while getting groceries this weekend.  On the way out of the store I passed some postcards and thought it might be fun to get some and then just send them using random people searches on my computer.   I typed in some names that popped into my head and wrote a little note that basically said "this is being sent to you just to say hi and wishing you happiness, joy and peace."  It sort of sounded like a Christmas card lol

Do you remember the last time you received a letter from a friend that wasn't an email?  The art of letter writing has long been lost to the computer age unfortunately.  When my kids were little they used to love getting mail and as I'm writing this, I remember that I used to send them postcards so they would get mail.  It was sort of like getting a little present, unexpectedly!

Today I'm wishing everyone Happiness, Joy and Peace : )

Sunday, October 10, 2010

How to Make Your Sister Cry

My sister's children who are 3 years apart, moved away from home within 2 weeks of each other.  This was devastating, I know, to my sister.  I remember her saying that it's hard enough losing one, but to lose two at the same time for out of Province pursuits, is something a mom shouldn't have to go through.   We love our children so much, and we know that when they leave, they are prepared to face the world on their own and that we've done our job.  What we aren't prepared for is what we will go through.  The terrible lonely, aching, empty feeling that's left when the house is empty at the end of the day. No more watching them come and go as they take off for school in the morning, to friends houses, to work or volleyball practice.  No more hugs at the end of a long day.   I can only imagine what it will feel like when my own leave, but I have first hand knowledge of this pain by seeing my sister go through it and the talks we would have about how she was coping.  She is the best mom I know and her kids respect and love her dearly.  But nothing could have prepared her for them leaving.

When Thankgiving rolled around this year and only one of her kids was able to make it back home because of financial constraints, it was hard on her, her daughter and her husband as well as all of us, to think that someone would be missing from our table this year.  Saturday morning I woke up very early and logged on to my facebook account.  I remember seeing something my nephew wrote about wishing he were home this weekend.  My heart sank.  I went on the airline websites to take a quick peek at flights just to see if there was anything available.  There was.  Uh oh lol.  I texted my nephew and asked if he was interested in coming home and if it was even possible to get time off work.  I knew it was even earlier where he was living and knew he wouldn't be up yet.  I waited an hour at least before texting him again to call me.  A few minutes later he did and the wheels were set in motion.

About 11 p.m. my sister was at home getting ready for bed when her son, with all of us standing outside her house, opened the back door to the house, quietly, and slipped inside.  "I'm good at sneaking in Auntie, I've done this a few time," I remember him saying and I smiled. His mom was at her desk checking on a few emails before heading to bed.  In no time he was through the house and standing behind her.  We all watched from the back door as my sister, startled by the presence in the room, jumped up in disbelief, and within seconds was holding her boy again.  He was home for Thanksgiving.

My sister, her kids and husband are the most amazing people I know and I feel very blessed this Thanksgiving that we can all be together.