I found the neatest thing in Zellers tonight. We were there looking at a few things and I came across the isle with Christmas tins with all sorts of colourful Christmas imagery on them. Every year I see more and more of them. Maybe they're more in demand as people are giving baking as a gift more? Anyway, I came across these tins that were shaped like a miniature mailboxes. The old style kind that had a flag that was put up when there was mail in it. (Remember the movie the Lake House with Keaunu Reeves and Sandra Bullock? They had a mailbox like that in the movie.) So I picked up a couple of tins, having already formulated a use for them that, fortunately for everyone, will not involve baking! When the kids were little they used to ask me to send them mail, as they loved having a letter come that was addressed to just them. I did that a half dozen times or so and they really did love it. It's funny...I admit that I get a little excited too when a letter comes addressed to me with handwriting on it. Then I know it's not a bill lol
What I imagined was giving each of my girls a minature mailbox for their room. I thought I could surprise them with little love notes or goodies or whatever I felt like on any day. They'd know there was something inside if the flag was up. When I showed them they sort of scoffed at the idea, but I was pretty excited about it and I think the idea finally rubbed of. I heard my one daughter explaining to her dad later tonight what I'd gotten and how it works with the flag.
I'm grinning thinking about what I'm going to put in there.
25 days till Christmas!!!
On good days...treats!! On their bad days...bills ;)