Friday, December 24, 2010

Last Written ROAK 2010

Merry Christmas Eve !!!  I can't believe it's almost here....Christmas in 1 hour.  I hope everyone reading this is happy and has visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads....or PS3's...or maybe just peace and love to their fellow man.

Today I took my daughter down to the mall.  Yes, on Christmas Eve I shopped with her!  She got a gift certificate and some money for Christmas and since we are away next week, I though it would be nice to let her wander around the mall and think about something she'd like.  She did come home with a coat that was 50 percent off and another little top that she can take with us on our holiday.

Actually my real RAOK for the day was to let my husband win at the game of crib.  When he loses too much he cries about it ; )

I will be away until next Sunday and will keep a great journal.  I'm not sure if the place I am going has internet, so I maybe not be able to post for a week.                          


  1. Merry Christmas, B! We will miss your daily ray of sunshine.

  2. I do not cry when I lose...I pout!! Rude!
