Today I wrote to an old friend that I met when I was about 17 years old. She's a friend on facebook now, but we've rarely had a chance to connect. It's funny how so many years can go by and even if your lives have gone in completely different directions, you still see in them what you saw so many years ago. This week I've been thinking a great deal about a quote I posted last week. The one that says that you won't remember what someone did or said but you will remember how they made you feel. I remember how this friend made me feel. She made me feel important when we were together and always always always made me laugh.
I heard that she was pursuing a new career endeavor in the near future and wrote and told her what I admired in her and wished her luck. There are so many missed opportunities in life to tell people how we really feel. Even the smallest of gestures can let people know you're thinking of them and can make them feel good and special....a note, a phone call or a kind deed.
People will remember how you made them feel. I hope everyone can do something today to make someone feel great : )
So very true, even a smile to someone you just pass on the sidewalk can make one feel good, especially when they smile back. Here is one for you. Saw you the other day and you look marvelous darling.m