Sunday, December 19, 2010


Well...I tried to find a contact address for Ingrid Betancourt and eventually found her facebook page.  I wrote to her to tell her how inspired I felt while reading her book.  I hope she is able to read it.

Today the sister and son of my friend from the Philippines who passed away came over for a visit.  It was great to visit with them and find out more about their lives and what they think of Canada.  The sister was telling me that she skyped her daughter the other day and the daughter told her mom to take her outside so she could see the snow and was asking how it felt.  I thought that was pretty neat.  It's hard to imagine not ever having seen or felt snow.

While they are here, they might make it to Edmonton to see a friend there and maybe go to the big mall.  In their Xmas cards I put enough money for a pass to the waterpark in case they happen to get there.  That would be something to see!

I can't believe we are only 6 more sleeps away from Christmas.  I hope everyone has their shopping done : )

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