Yesterday was an early Christmas for some of my family so I was running from the minute my feet hit the floor. It was really a great day and by the time supper was on the table, I could relax and soak in all the love and laughter my family brings. After supper the women did the dishes as the men and kids called from the living room to hurry so they could open gifts. I think they did that last year and were in great danger of getting their ears pinched off lol Lately we've been drawing names and doing a "fun" gift exchange that we find is really funny. There's a $15 limit and it's neat to see who got who's name and what they got. Usually by the end of the exchange, our cheeks hurt from laughing. So last night was filled with giving and kindness from everyone. Every gift was unique and it was evident that everyone put a lot of time and thought in to each gift.
Today my husband and I took some toys and food gift cards to a family in our city that needed a little help this Christmas. We've done this before through a program in the city called the "Brent and Penny Adopt a Family." It helps families that may not have the means to buy gifts for their children and provides a few extra dollars for food over the holidays. The program is very successful and I think Christmas really does bring out the best in most people. I think people generally love to give to others and it's wonderful to see when they give to others who aren't as fortunate.
All the best to everyone tonight : )
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