Monday, November 15, 2010

Door Woman

Today's idea came from the internet.  I'm always looking for more ideas for RAOK and found the perfect one there today.  I had to take my daughter downtown for an Orthodontist appointment. Her Orthodontist is in a very busy mall and parking is difficult downtown so usually I drop her off and wait somewhere until she's done.  Today I got lucky.  Someone was pulling out right across from the mall.  My daughter left and I plugged the meter and then walked to the mall entrance.  For 15 minutes I stood and opened the door for people entering the mall.  Let me tell you, I felt very awkward lol  Some people looked at me oddly, some said thank you and many just smiled.  It did feel good but I think I was worrying too much about what those people thought.  How do you get to a point in your life where other's opinions just don't matter anymore?  I guess it comes with confidence in yourself.  We're all works in progress : )

1 comment:

  1. I have a sticky note on my desk that reminds me "what you think of me is none of my business". I love that quote but it's a tough one to really live. Exactly! We are all a work in progress and it takes practice. Good for you for practicing today in a big way!
