Friday, November 12, 2010


There's always a danger when I don't post my blog early that I risk falling asleep early or being up too late with company and not posting at all. The first thing I thought of when I woke up this morning is that I'd missed writing.  So, here it is.  Late.  If I were in elementary school, I wouldn't get a sticker.  Or if I were in Mrs. King's 4th grade class, I'd get a ruler over my hand.  Boy she was nasty!

I went shopping with my 15 year old daughter and my husband yesterday.  We rarely go out, just the three of us.  I had to buy a few things and so I offered to buy her some new jeans, which actually turned into jeans, a sweater, a hat and boots.  How does that happen? lol

My act of kindness was small but it did make someone smile.  I was in the shoe store and it was really busy.  Everyone must have had the same idea for yesterday.  There must have been at least 50 people in that tiny store in the mall.  Anyway, I was on my way out when a lady bumped a few sample boots that fell from the table.  I bent down and picked them up for her and put them back.  She just looked at me,  smiled and said thank you.

I'm reminded that even the smallest gesture of kindness can be very rewarding.


  1. :) Whewwwwww I stayed up until midnight waiting for your post. Have a mentioned I anxiously await your posts everyday? I thought oh dear, something is wrong with my computer, I can't go to sleep until I read the blog for today. So glad it's here this morning. You are so right, even the smallest gesture can make a difference in someone's day. I catch myself imagining what a place the world would be if everyone reached out and did even some small thing for someone everyday. Wow. Thanks honey. I loves ya! xo

  2. Sorry I made you stay up till midnight! : ( You're right...those small things could make such a difference...and with it, the feeling like there are people out there who just simply care.

  3. Most of us seem to think we are to busy to take 60 seconds out to give a simple little hand out to someone, good one.
