Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ice Cream

Tonight we had some guys over to the house to talk about a skit for my upcoming variety show I'm putting on as a fundraiser for a wonderful charity called The Little Bald Angels.  I was talking with one of the guys earlier to today and found out he likes ice cream.  So I bought an ice cream cake for them tonight to eat after they discussed what they were doing.  Who doesn't need ice cream at 9:30 at night when it's -30 Celsius?   We're a tough lot here in Saskatchewan.  And we still like our ice cream in winter.  Arrrrrrrrrrrh!!!


  1. So you intice people to help with your charity by plying them with ice cream and making them fat? Combining decadence and charity...maybe you should change the name of the blog to "The Cheeky Angel"
