Sunday, March 6, 2011

Telemiracle 35

What do you get when you cross and telethon and a miracle?  You get Kinsmen Telemiracle,  a 20 hour live televised telethon in which people in the most amazing Province in Canada phone in and make a miracle happen.  And quite the miracle it is. Kinsmen "Telemiracle" has been going strong for 35 years and has raised, in that short time, over 94 million dollars.  This weekend the 2nd highest amount in history was brought in, $4,635,768.  All money raised by the telethon stays in Saskatchewan and goes to help people in the Province.  Please follow the link for more information.  As with every year we made a donation to this wonderful foundation.

During the televised telethon, there are a number of entertainers, some famous names and some local talent.  As well there are many many presentations of cheques that come in from money raised in small towns all over Saskatchewan.  Today, as we sat in the audience, waiting for the presentation, there was a story of a woman who had worked all her life as a psychiatric nurse, before becoming ill and needing help from the Kinsmen Telemiracle Foundation.  She eventually passed away and tonight a presentation was made in her honour.  She had bequested over 500,000 of her "rainy day fund" to help others in need.

What made this year extra special, is that my father-in-law and his good friend were recognized for founding Telemiracle in 1977.  Today they were recognized for their achievement, Telemiracle, which has grown and greatly benefited the people in our Province.  Congratulations to both and to the thousands of Kinsmen and Kinette volunteers who make Telemiracle a success year after year!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Telemiracle is indeed a wonderful organization, and congratulations to your father in law and friends for starting such a wonderful organization.
