Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Why am I blogging this???

I was on my way home from driving my daughter to the bus stop today and I started thinking about why I am actually blogging about random acts of kindness.  Will people think I want attention and just tooting my own horn?  The answer is yes and no.  As a person with social anxiety (and I'm not speaking for everyone out there with anxiety issues), public attention is very hard.  But attention drawn as a means to inspire others to think about kindness on a daily basis is a good thing.  When I thought of the idea and what I wanted to get from it, attention was certainly not of my list of wants.   After being home for so many years with anxiety and depression,  I needed to feel like I was doing something worthwhile...contributing to the world and people in a positive way.  Making other people smile.   People everywhere perform kind acts every day towards one another, from holding a door for someone to buying their co-worker lunch, but they don't blog about it.  So why am I?  I'm blogging because I know myself very well and if I don't write about it and feel accountable, I will stop.   I read an amazing book last year called "Man's Search For Meaning" by Victor E. Frankl.  He was a psychiatrist who, taken prisoner, laboured in the Nazi death camps.  He survived and went on to develop a therapy known as logotherapy, which holds that "our primary drive in life is not pleasure, but the discovery and pursuit of what we personally find meaningful."  On the days I wake up and don't feel like getting out of bed or don't feel any motivation to leave the house, I have a reason now.   It's going to be a great day : )

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