I was in WalMart yesterday doing some errands. I hadn't eaten anything for breakfast so decided to stop into McDonalds for a quick bite. While I was in line, I noticed a little girl behind me who wouldn't have been more than 3 years old. She sort of reminded me of one of my girls at that age. I purchased my meal and at the same time I bought 4 books of "Valentines" in which each included 8 free coupons for $1.00 !!! 3 free cones, 3 free fries and 3 free drinks. The catch is that they have to be used by kids 12 or under. I turned to the mom of the little girl in line and asked if I could give her a book of Valentines. She said yes and the little girl took them and thanked me.
This morning I went down to the river to take some pictures as I'm in a photography class and I have a homework assignment coming due on Tuesday. I've been driving around for the last week with bags of bottles to take to the recycling depot but haven't made it there yet. My husband had an idea that we should drop them off in a back alley where we've seen a lot of people looking for bottles in the garbage bins. So on the way home we dropped the bottles off. I hope someone who really needs them finds them for a little bit of extra cash.
Tomorrow is Monday....sigh. The weekends never seem long enough do they?
This reminds me of a song...Alice's Restaurant. Hope you don't get arrested for littering! Wouldn't that be hard to explain to your girls?